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  5. Job Transfer Between Couriers

Job Transfer Between Couriers

Job Transfer Between Couriers

Jobs can be transferred between couriers in two ways.

1. Dispatch Screen

Dispatch admin can easily remove a job from an existing courier and assign it to another.

  1. Click the action drop down on the job card in dispatch screen and select “remove job from current courier”.

  2. Find the new courier in the courier list in the middle of the dispatch screen and click their card to expand it. This will allow the card to accept the job.
  3. In the job list on the left side of the dispatch screen, locate the job and with your mouse cursor, drag it and drop it over the driver card.
  4. The job has been assigned.

2. Courier to Courier

Couriers can exchange jobs between themselves without the help of a dispatch admin. This functionality needs to be enabled on your account. Contact us if you need this turned ON or OFF.

  1. First courier needs to open the job details, click the SETTINGS icon and select “reassign job”

  2. A courier lookup will be displayed. Here, you can look up the recipient courier and select them for a job transfer.

  3. Once confirmed, you are done, the recipient courier receives a notification and they will need to accept the job before it is properly transferred.

  4. The recipient courier needs to accept the job either via the received push notification or by manually going to “Job Transfers” screen within the APP where the courier will see all incoming jobs that are pending their confirmation.